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Honours and Awards



Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their contribution to conservation, promotion and appreciation of South Africa’s indigenous flora? The call is now open for nomination for BotSoc’s annual honours and awards. Please make sure all nominations are submitted to our BotSoc national office team by 15 May. The categories are:

Honorary Life Membership: For any BotSoc member who has rendered exceptional services to the society or one of its branches. Voted on by members present at the society’s AGM.

Centenary Medal: For any person or entity who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and dedication to the mission of the Botanical Society, evidenced by significant and sustained actions over an extended period.

Botanical Society Certificate of Appreciation: Awarded at branch level for a BotSoc member’s valuable contribution to promoting southern African plants and/or BotSoc’s aims and objectives.


Bolus Medal: For an amateur botanist who has made a significant contribution to our knowledge of southern African flora through publications in recognised scientific literature, does not earn his/her living from these publications but may have received formal tertiary level training in botany.

Marloth Medal: For any amateur or professional botanist who has produced scientific literature of a popular nature to stimulate public interest in in southern Africa’s indigenous flora.

Denys Heesom Medal: For any person or organisation that has made a significant contribution to eradicating alien vegetation in southern Africa.

Cythna Letty Medal: For anyone whose published botanical illustrations have made a significant contribution to promoting South African plants.

Percy Sergeant Medal: For anyone who effectively promotes southern African plants and their conservation through photography.


Botanical Society Flora Conservation Medal: For anyone who has contributed considerably towards the preservation and conservation of southern African plants, such as landowners, financiers, educationalists and others.

Dale Parker Conservation Award: For any person or group who undertake innovative conservation action on their land, or land over which they are custodians.

Dudley D’Ewes Medal: For anyone who effectively promotes southern African plants and their conservation through the media (newspapers, popular journals, radio and television but excluding books).

Stella Petersen Medal: For anyone who lives with passion for learning and nature and displays sustained dedication to inspiring and empowering youth in nature from diverse walks of life through their involvement in environmental education and awareness.

Schelpe Award: For the best article on growing southern Africa’s indigenous flora published in Veld & Flora during the year.

More details and a copy of the required nomination form can be downloaded from the Botanical Society website or via email at info@botanicalsociety.org.za. Remember that both proposer and seconder must be BotSoc members in good standing.



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The National BotSoc office will close for the festive break from 12:00 (midday) on 24 December 2024 to 3 January 2025, and reopen 6 January 2025.

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