BotSoc Branch
Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) Course

BotSoc has developed an online EIA course, working with our partners, to support BotSoc members to comment accurately and professionally on EIAs. The course materials provide our BotSoc members with the necessary knowledge and skills required to be comfortable with the EIA process, as well as the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment’s screening tool.

This will allow our membership to play an integral role in commenting as Interested and Affected Parties on EIAs. This kind of input is crucial, and could determine whether certain developments are permitted or blocked. The course ran on our BotSoc platforms over a period of 2 months starting in April 2021. 

You can sign up for the EIA Course

The course was broken down into 8 recorded videos, including access to additional documents.
Sign up below and we’ll send you a password in order to access the EIA course. Please note that this course is not accredited. Please do not share the password or the content with others.


* indicates required

Play an active role

If you are interested in playing an active role in commenting/collecting data which will
improve the EIA process, please contact

In order to comment on EIAs on behalf of the Botanical Society of South Africa, members need to have completed this EIA training course, or must work with a member who has completed the training course. The final correspondence needs to be approved by the BotSoc Conservation Manager before submission.

A comprehensive library of environmental legislation and information including all environmental legislation per province is available at the Centre for Environmental Rights website

The BotSoc team is grateful to Luke Verburgt of Enviro-Insight for providing an excellent
product and for his support. 


Open Monday to Friday 10h00 to 14h00. Closed on weekends and public holidays.

The National BotSoc office will be closed on Friday 6 December 2024.

The National BotSoc office will close for the festive break from 12:00 (midday) on 24 December 2024 to 3 January 2025, and reopen 6 January 2025.

Contact Us

We are experiencing intermittent faults with our landlines. If you can't get through on our landline +27 (0) 21 797 2090 , please phone or send a message to our alternate WhatsApp number: +27 (0) 65 922 6163.







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